Site Map: Library Hub Compare

Library Hub Compare homepage - includes log in options for searching Library Hub Compare.

About Library Hub Compare

Accessibility Statement - Accessibility information relating to Library Hub Compare

Libraries - information about libraries which contribute to the National Bibliographic Knowledgebase, including a link to a library information page for each library.

FAQ - answers to frequently asked questions about the Library Hub Compare Service.

Blog - link to the Library Hub Compare page on the Jisc Library Services blog.

Search - the starting page for searching Library Hub Compare. Requires a login.

Support - support area for Library Hub Compare, with pages giving guidance on using different elements of the service.

Access - information on who can access Library Hub Compare, and how to log in.

Search help

Number search - information on using the number search facility.

Batch search - information on using the number search facility.

Keyword search - information on using the number search facility.

Results - list - information on using the list of search results.

Results - graph - information on viewing and interpreting the available visualisations of search results.

Exporting data - information on using the export facility.

Sitemap - a sitemap, including details of all the pages on the Library Hub Compare website.