Results - list

The List tab on the search results page will show you a list of records returned by your search, comprising basic bibliographic details and details of holding libraries.

You can see how many records have been returned by your search in the breadcrumb above the List tab, and in the text at the top of the results list itself. By default, Compare displays 25 records per page. To browse through your results, use the < > and << >> symbols at the top and bottom of the page.

For a more concise view of the records you can select the icon to the left of the number of records found. To revert to the fuller result view select the icon again.

If you did not use any limit options for your search, by default the list will include all holding libraries for the records in your results.

If you limited your search by library or region, only records for items held at one or more of your specified libraries (or at one or more libraries within the specified region) will be returned in the results list. Note: where a library group or region has been selected, by default holdings will also only be displayed for the libraries in that group or region.

If you limited your search by document type, document format or language, only records for items matching these criteria will be displayed.

If you limited your search by number of holding libraries, records will be displayed only for items held by the specified number of libraries.

The UKRR icon indicates materials that are being retained by a library as part of the UK Research Reserve which aims to ensure the preservation of the UK printed journals, forming a distributed collection held across many UK libraries.

The results list is sorted using the following defaults:

Following a Keyword search, the results list is sorted in descending order by number of holding libraries, that is, with the most widely held records at the top.

Following a Number or Title Phrase search, the results list is sorted in the same order as the numbers or phrases input (manually or via a file upload) then in descending order by number of holding libraries, as above.

Click on a title in the results list to view the full, consolidated record along with Summary Holdings information for the holding libraries.